Mystory Notes

For me it is less about the reading, and more about the story.

Frozen Heat

Frozen Heat - Richard Castle The review I left on Heat Wave applies to all books in the series. They are much of a muchness - that isn't a complaint!


Heat Rises

Heat Rises - Richard Castle The review I left on Heat Wave applies to all books in the series. They are much of a muchness - that isn't a complaint!


Naked Heat

Naked Heat  - Richard Castle The review I left on Heat Wave applies to all books in the series. They are much of a muchness - that isn't a complaint!


Heat Wave (Nikki Heat)

Heat Wave (Nikki Heat) - Richard Castle There should be two different rating systems for books. One system that allows you to comment on the quality of a book in terms of its linguistic and literary merit, and another for just how awesome a book is.

'Heat Wave' is not a timeless piece of literary genius and that is exactly why I love it. It reads like a fabulous piece of fan fiction. As an avid (obsessive?) fan of the television show 'Castle', it is a thrill to see moments in the book that were clearly inspired by what happens in the show. It is pulpy and easy to read. It is perfect for by the pool, or just before bed. It is perfect for escaping into excitement and fun without needing to put in the effort of inferring (which as an English teacher I do for a living!).




Mockingjay  - Suzanne  Collins More detailed review to follow...


Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn  - Stephenie Meyer Imagine the scene. You've read three books in a matter of days, and these books are a fair size. You've got one book left. There is no reason you can't finish that last book in a few days. And then Christmas comes. And you have to work. And you are moving house. Seriously frustrating.

All you want to do finish this gosh darn book! You aren't even really enjoying the series but there is some kind of sick fascination that keeps you ploughing on. I mean, your friend has already spoiled for you that it was the baby she was destined to have that he was in love with. Why would you want to read that? Who knows. But you do.

Finally you start reading.


If I hadn't been quite so unhealthily addicted thanks to the earlier books I would never had made it to this terrible conclusion. I was determined to read the book before New Years Day and I slowly felt the enthusiasm for this series being sucked out of me with each passing page.

Why talk about a fight for nearly 100 pages and then not have it?

How can the reason it never worked be because you are meant to be with the girl's child?

These and so many questions remain. Including, how can I get this time back?




Twilight - Stephenie Meyer Firstly, I am not a literary snob. I am fine with pulp. I am fine with slushy romance. I am fine with cheesy young adult cringe fests. But I felt dirty reading these books.

While there was something familiar and addictive about the teen angst presented in this book, there were at least occasions where I had to re-read a page because I couldn't follow the point Stephanie Myer was trying to make.

This sums up my Twilight experience.

I read this book during my 'read what the kids are reading ready for your teacher training interview' phase. My intention was to just read the first book, but within a few hours I knew that wasn't going to happen. I knew I needed to read them all. I honestly cannot tell you why. Was there some kind of addictive substance on the page? I really don't think it was writing.

2 Stars

New Moon

New Moon  - Stephenie Meyer The review I left on Twilight applies again here.


Eclipse (The Twilight Saga, Book 3)

Eclipse (The Twilight Saga, Book 3) - Stephenie Meyer The review I left on Twilight applies again here.


The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger This is an emotional review because this book had a profound effect on me.

For me, the various men that have come in and out of my life are represented by Henry. I always think that they are the one.

Once I realised that actually I was just waiting around for a time when Henry would come back into my life again, I decided to stop waiting and start living. I quit my job, retrained as a teacher, travelled and just generally got on with things!

I am the traveller now!

Core blimey literature can be powerful!


How I Live Now

How I Live Now - Meg Rosoff This book is an odd one. There are certain elements of it that just don't seem to sit right with me but then I just couldn't put the book down.

The idea that the country could so easily fall into the state portrayed in the story is a powerful one for a reader to think about. The impact that it has on the characters, particularly those characters that started the book on a less than secure mental footing, is intriguing. Perhaps that is the reason that I was so hooked?

I question whether the sexual content adds anything to what the story is trying to achieve. It seemed to be more about obsession than love. I don't know. Did I get a sense that the characters were desperate for some security in an attempt to survive? Maybe. Sometimes. Sometimes it just seemed to be about sex.

I'm torn. I recommend it to those people who like to be challenged by what they read (although with the caveat that this is y-a fiction). If 3.5 was something that my rating system offered then that is where I would put it.

4 Stars

Currently reading

The Polar Bear Explorers' Club
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The Amber Spyglass
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Please Hear What I'm Not Saying
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